Can you help me?

Can you help me?

Can you help me?
A purpose is important.

DON'T Explain

DON'T Explain

DON'T Explain
Counter intuitive but true.



It is ok to tell a white lie.

Homemaking Activities

Homemaking Activities

Homemaking Activities
Modify for success.



One at a time.

Check Basic Needs

Check Basic Needs

Check Basic Needs
Communication can be tough.

Consider Old Habits

Consider Old Habits

Consider Old Habits
Routines are comforting.

Discourage Naps if Restless in the Evening

Discourage Naps if Restless in the Evening

Discourage Naps if Restless in the Evening
Monitor how much sleep.

Effectiveness of Mirroring

Effectiveness of Mirroring

Effectiveness of Mirroring
Model Behavior

Focus the Attention on the Activity

Focus the Attention on the Activity

Focus the Attention on the Activity
Focus on Favorites