Fine Motor Skills Activity

Many people grew up learning different skills using their hands.

Fine Motor Skills Activity

Many people grew up learning different skills using their hands. Skills could include woodworking, carpentry, crocheting, knitting, model building, and even daily chores.  Manipulating every day objects like opening a door with a key takes them back to a more independent time.


Hardware, Locks, or other objects that can be disassembled and reassembled fairly easily.


If your care recipient appears restless, agitated or idle for long periods of time, try providing him or her with familiar hardware or objects that they can hold in their hands and manipulate. If you don't already have some supplies at home you can go to the local hardware store and pick up a variety of useful objects.  The objective is to choose pieces that can be disassembled and reassembled fairly easily. Locks or PVC piping or another material that they worked with in their youth could work.

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