Popsicle Stick Bird Feeder

This is an activity with relatively easy instruction.

Popsicle Stick Bird Feeder

This is an activity with relatively easy instruction and safe materials depending on your choice of glue. (Using child-safe glue is a safe bet.) You can purchase bird feed or make your own at home as another activity.  This activity can also initiate conversations about birds or you can take a walk and look for birds.



There are great instructions at the Creative Cubby website or follow the instructions below.

  • Gather 12 Popsicle sticks and line them up side by side.  Glue two sticks across the row and then flip it over doing the same to the other side.
  • Make a second row of Popsicle sticks going in the opposite direction to reinforce the base.
  • Glue down a tongue depressor.
  • Continue by alternating Popsicle sticks around the outside until you have 6 rows, gluing each stick down as you go.
  • Let dry.
  • Paint the bird feeder.
  • Using a hot glue gun attach a chord to the underside of the bird feeder.
  • Thread the cord underneath the top round of Popsicle sticks and glue again using the glue gun.
  • Fill the bird feeder with bird feed.
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