Can you help me find it?

Can you help me find it?

Can you help me find it?
Ask your loved one for help
1460 0 0

Bring a Bag of Stones

Bring a Bag of Stones

Bring a Bag of Stones
Having stones that your loved one can handle can be calming, and can give them something to do.
1352 0 0

Bring Clay to Make Things

Bring Clay to Make Things

Bring Clay to Make Things
Clay can keep people busy and give their hands something to do.
1248 0 0

Bring Crossword Puzzles

Bring Crossword Puzzles

Bring Crossword Puzzles
Small crossword puzzle books can keep everyone entertained.
1239 0 0

Would You Rather

Would You Rather

Would You Rather
This is a conversation game where you talk about two different options and why you would prefer one over the other.
9418 2 0

Play Tic Tac Toe

Play Tic Tac Toe

Play Tic Tac Toe
A quick game of Tic Tac Toe can pass the time.
1708 0 0

Read a Book or Magazine

Read a Book or Magazine

Read a Book or Magazine
Magazines and books are a great outside source of entertainment.
1262 2 0

Recite a Poem or Rhyme

Recite a Poem or Rhyme

Recite a Poem or Rhyme
Poems are a great way to engage your loved one and may help them remember stories and tales from when they were younger.
1288 2 0

Paper Clip Fishing Game

Paper Clip Fishing Game

Paper Clip Fishing Game
This paper clip fishing game can be fun.
1438 5 0